
Friday Apr 21, 2017
Lindsay & JLB Chat #1 - Mind-Body Connection (20-Apr-2017)
Friday Apr 21, 2017
Friday Apr 21, 2017
Lindsay and JLB chat about all manner of things as they drive from Brisbane to Winton as part of the Dinoskeptic Roadtrip.

Friday Feb 17, 2017
Ged Skeptic Chat ft. Tim Osman & Gempanda (17-Feb-2017)
Friday Feb 17, 2017
Friday Feb 17, 2017
On Sunday, 12-Feb-2017, I took part in an unplanned, live google hangout hosted by Ged Skeptic, which also involved notorious YouTube 'truther troll' Tim Osman and British normie Gempanda. This mp3 file includes the section of the call involving myself as well as some thoughts recorded in post-production a few days later. The broadcast took place just hours after the leading Flat Earth spruikers had begun promoting an 'international convention' to take place later in 2017. Topics of conversation include the FE scene and its many charlatans and suckers, the existence (or otherwise) of dinosaurs and nuclear bombs, the 'truth' scene in general, and broader questions of epistemology and what can be known.
Live broadcast by Ged Skeptic: 12-Feb-2017
Reupload with reflections by JLB: 17-Feb-2017

Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Perspectives | Ep #0 | Negentropic (3-Feb-2017)
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
This is the pilot episode of a new series of podcasts I plan to release over the coming months. We have all taken different paths to arrive at our current outlooks and worldviews, and sometimes it can be useful to reflect on our journey thus far. By interviewing a range of individuals who have spent some time engaged in the process I refer to as 'deprogramming', my hope is to learn more about the Lie System in which we live, as well as the types of people who have spent their own time studying it. This is why the series is entitled 'Perspectives': each interview will offer the listener a deeper understanding the guest's point of view: not only what it is but, just as importantly, how it came to be.
In this episode I spoke with Negentropic, a man based in the US who posts his thoughts across a range of messageboards including the David Icke forums. He is the man behind the 'Negentropic Chronicles', a series of marathon podcasts which feature clips from a variety of alternative/independent media outlets, archival audio/footage, and music you might not hear elsewhere. Neg's experiences with the 9/11 'truth movement' - and the various boobytraps and false prophets connected to it - offer invaluable insights into the broader 'truth comunity': how it operates, what kind of people are involved, and so forth.
Conversation recorded: 31-Jan-2017
JLB post-production recorded: 3-Feb-2017
Final Negentropic edit released: 7-Feb-2017

Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Impromptu Chat #10 | Melbourne Car Attack Real - Gino (24-Jan-2017)
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Gino lives in Melbourne and believes the recent 'car rampage' killing spree in his home city may be a real event. This puts him at odds with many prominent YouTube 'truthers' who claim that the event was staged and/or a 'hoax'. In Impromptu Chat #10, Gino explains why he thinks the 'truth movement' may be wrong about this event. The conversation soon moves on whether or not 'pizzagate' is yet another red herring, and then JLB spends some time updating the listeners on his latest research and content, including the upcoming Dinosaur documentary, crowd psychology insights from Gustave le Bon, and some amazing coincidences in film and music related to 9/11 - and what these coincidences might reveal to us about the nature of reality.
Originally streamed on the JohnleBon YouTube channel 24-Jan-2017. MP3 upload published 25-Jan-2017.

Wednesday Dec 28, 2016
Dinoskeptics Live | Ep #4 | Science, Academia and Film (24-Dec-2016)
Wednesday Dec 28, 2016
Wednesday Dec 28, 2016
Over the coming weeks, Lucas and JLB will be broadcasting live shows to discuss their upcoming feature-length film, 'Dinoskeptics' (working title). As part of the production process, the pair will be going on a roadtrip into the heart of Australia to a little town called Winton. For more information about the project, see this page.
Episode #4 of Dinoskeptics Live was broadcast on 28-Dec-2016 and is available in mp3 format. Free and Full Members of the site can also access the show in video format (when logged in to johnlebon.com).

Saturday Dec 24, 2016
Dinoskeptics Live | Ep #3 | Roadtrip Itinerary (24-Dec-2016)
Saturday Dec 24, 2016
Saturday Dec 24, 2016
Over the coming weeks, Lucas and JLB will be broadcasting live shows to discuss their upcoming feature-length film, 'Dinoskeptics' (working title). As part of the production process, the pair will be going on a roadtrip into the heart of Australia to a little town called Winton. For more information about the project, see this page.
Episode #3 of Dinoskeptics Live was broadcast on 24-Dec-2016 and is available in mp3 format for you below. Free and Full Members of this site can also access the show in video format (when logged in).

Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Dinoskeptics Live | Ep #2 | Winton Official Story (20-Dec-2016)
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Over the coming weeks, Lucas and JLB will be broadcasting live shows to discuss their upcoming feature-length film, 'Dinoskeptics' (working title). As part of the production process, the pair will be going on a roadtrip into the heart of Australia to a little town called Winton. For more information about the project, see this page.
Episode #2 of Dinoskeptics Live was broadcast during the evening of 20-Dec-2016 and is available in mp3 format. Free and Full Members of the site can also access the show in video format (when logged in to johnlebon.com).

Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Dinoskeptics Live | Ep #1 | Welcome and Overview (6-Dec-2016)
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
Over the coming weeks, Lucas and JLB will be broadcasting live shows to discuss their upcoming feature-length film, 'Dinoskeptics' (working title). As part of the production process, the pair will be going on a roadtrip into the heart of Australia to a little town called Winton. For more information about the project, see this page.
Episode #1 of Dinoskeptics Live was broadcast during the evening of 6-Dec-2016 and is available in mp3 format. Free and Full Members of the site can also access the show in video format (when logged in to johnlebon.com).

Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Meta Fe | Ep #01 | 'As The Potato Turns' (12-Dec-2016)
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Meta Fe is finally, officially in season, and the first episode features a perfect guest to get the show rolling. Tomfoolery of the ISS (Tom) has recently attracted attention for his YouTube series entitled 'As The Potato Turns', a comical summary and analysis of the Flat Earth-themed reality-YouTube drama brought to us by the likes of Patricia Steere and her 'FEOHP'. Tom's series is set as a parody, with each episode in the series offering a concise synopsis of the broader story arc at the centre of Steere's serial (as well as related shows).
Meta Fe is a sporadically-scheduled interview/roundtable vodcast/podcast focused on the meta aspects of the 'Flat Earth renaissance' which has taken the 'alternative media' scene by storm since early 2015. Rather than petty debates about the shape of the earth, Meta Fe focuses on questions regarding the sociology and psychology of the Flat Earth scene: who is leading this online 'movement'? Who is following, and why? How do these people interact with one another, and how do the social dynamics evolve over time? Where is this 'movement' headed, and what does it teach us about the 'truth movement' in general?

Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Meta Fe | Episode #000b | 'Why Do FE Promoters Censor Skepticism?' (14-Nov-2016)
Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
The LobeBusters and Potatoheads claim to be here for truth, so why do they censor dissent in the livechat? If they have a 'working FE model', why do they get so upset when people ask where to find it? When did honest skepticism become so taboo? In this episode of Meta Fe, we look at these questions and more. Then to round out the show, a surprise cameo, with some thought-provoking questions...
[Part 2 of 2]
This is the third 'pilot' episode of Meta Fe, the latest podcast/vodcast hosted by JLB. Season One is due to launch in November 2016. Meta Fe is a show above and beyond the regular Flat Earth scene on YouTube. Rather than petty debates about the alleged shape of the earth, Meta Fe is dedicated to the deeper questions which have arisen as a result of the Flat Earth renaissance. For more information, watch/listen to Episode #0, where all is explained.
For more information: http://www.johnlebon.com/live-shows/meta-fe-episode-00-are-fe-leaders-psychopaths-7-nov-2016/