
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Why Not Speak The Truth? (Livestream)
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
There are plenty of people out there who know about the hoaxes and the fakery and the deception.
Precious few of them openly tell the world what they believe.
In this JLB livestream we explore the possible reasons (good and bad) why this may be so...
See johnlebon dot com for more information.

Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Bonversations | Ep #33 | Ethan Nash (6-Jul-2023)
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Is modern society more akin to Huxley's 'Brave New World' than most people realise?
What might it take for an autohoaxer to question the validity of this framework?
Would you advise a well-meaning young adult to get involved in the 'truth' scene?
Find the next four hours of this conversation at Bonversations.com

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Flat Earth Flashback (Livestream)
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Do you remember the good old days of the Flat Earth phenomenon circa 2015?
In this impromptu livestream, JLB looks back at some 'lost' videos from certain prominent truthers.
Their channels may be gone now, but JLB still has the copies: time for some fun!
See johnlebon dot com for more information.

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Why should you care about reddit’s API changes?
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Recently it has been announced that reddit will be changing the way third parties are able to access reddit's data.
This will result in the disappearance of apps like redditisfun and a significant change to the userbase of the platform.
Whether or not you use or care about reddit, this is an important development for anybody who enjoys open discussion and interacting with other real-life humans on the internet.
For more information, see johnlebon.com

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Why do midwits enjoy radiating their babies in the womb?
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Everybody knows that ultrasound is safe and effective. We all know this because... Well? What have you got? What's your evidence? There must be compelling scientific evidence to support this practice, right?
My Bonversation with Jeanice Barcelo - https://www.bonversations.com/
My debate with the heliocentrists - https://www.johnlebon.com/podcasts/debate-heliocentrists-vs-jlb-2-jul-2016/
The reddit discussion - https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracyNOPOL/comments/13wkt29/why_did_cnn_say_that_ultrasound_leads_to_lower/
My research into the dangers of ultrasound - https://www.johnlebon.com/podcasts/jlb-chats-18-the-ultrasound-hoax-31-mar-2021/
The CNN video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8szqgtX_GQ

Wednesday May 31, 2023
Bonversations | Ep #32 | Jeanice Barcelo (29-May-2023)
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Is so-called 'ultrasound' really as safe and effective as we have been led to believe?
Why has there been a dramatic rise in the number of children with development problems?
Who is at the apex of the medical industrial complex and and what is their agenda?
Find the rest of this episode at Bonversations.com

Friday May 19, 2023
Bonversations #31a | Lynn Ertell (18-May-2023)
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
What is the real purpose behind increasingly-common 'school shooter drills'?
Why did Michael Osterholm appear on the Joe Rogan show on the eve of 3/11?
Are there any good reasons to doubt JLB's claim that all of ancient history is a hoax?
Find the second part of this call at Bonversations.

Saturday May 13, 2023
Bonversations #30a | Learn of the Jesuit Order (11-May-2023)
Saturday May 13, 2023
Saturday May 13, 2023
Are the so-called 'jesuits' really as powerful as some people say?
Is sharing esoteric information online a good way to spend one's time?
What was the 'truth movement' (circa 2013 - 2015) and why did it disappear?
Find the second part of this call at Bonversations dot com HERE.

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Why Homeless Cats are Smarter Than Us
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
The success of the homeless cats and their War on Trugg-Walks provides further evidence that the 'truth' scene is in big trouble. The 'truth' isn't popular and it isn't spreading, there is no 'great awakening' taking place -- unless the 'great awakening' refers to people learning about the succulent Chinese meals being served up by the dedicated folks at P.F. Chang's.
This presentation also available in video format: https://www.johnlebon.com/youtube-videos/why-homeless-cats-are-smarter-than-us/

Tuesday May 09, 2023
Bonversations #29a | Maria Freefloat (5-May-2023)
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Is pondering and discussing existential questions basically a waste of time?
Can some topics -- such as Flat Earth and Q -- be likened to cults (or even 'psyops')?
If certain 'health' authorities lied to us about the pandemic, what else might they be lying about?
Find the second part of this episode here.